Enterprises experience continual advancement with integration technologies. Despite these upgrades, vital legacy systems often persist, necessitating reliable and protected interactions with modern messaging infrastructures. A Hybrid Messaging Environment is your key to connecting the old with the new with ease and security.

HYTE Link provides seamless integration of messaging products from multiple vendors and protocols. This allows for easy configuration and setup of messaging bridges by your Development and Operations teams.

The Link is lightweight, extremely robust and scalable, and supports high availability configurations. Cloud readiness assists with accelerated application modernization efforts.

Use Cases

  • Seamless Integration of Messaging Products from
    Multiple Vendors and Protocols

  • Message Routing

  • Transactions Supported

  • Support for High Throughput Parallel Consumption

  • Bridge JMS v1.1 to JMS v2.0 Messaging Platforms

  • Retail Store to Home Office Message Transfers

  • Enable Mainframe to Open Systems Integration

  • Enable Modernization and System Migration Efforts

  • Accelerate Application Integration and Modernization Efforts


Sometimes a 15-minute conversation with a Messaging Platform Architect can help make it all clear. Schedule a meeting for a quick discussion and/or online demo of our platform and tools.