What is Event Driven Architecture?

Digital transformation centers on swiftly adjusting business functions to match fluctuating market scenarios and prospects by rapidly integrating and modifying business applications. Event-driven architecture facilitates this by allowing organizational and system decoupling, utilizing events to announce data changes or actions, providing design and runtime operational resilience, complementing API architecture which excels in read, search, and query use-cases.

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Digital transformation is ultimately about being able to quickly adapt business operations to changing market conditions and opportunities. This boils down to being able to quickly integrate and change business applications to support those operations. Event-driven architecture enables this scaling by allowing teams to decouple work between people and system.

Event driven architecture is a software design pattern where the application sends out announcements of data changes or processing actions. These announcements are referred to as events. These events can then be received by applications. Event driven architecture can be leveraged internally within a complex application or as a means to communicate information between applications running on different servers. In tech lingo terms, it is loosely coupled at design time and run time.

Event driven architecture differs in that way from API architecture, which is only loosely coupled at design time. Design time decoupling allows the teams to work independently, whereas runtime decoupling allows for applications to be self healing during planned and unplanned system outages. To be clear, I'm not dismissing the value of APIs or suggesting that event driven architecture should be used exclusively. Event driven and API architecture work well together. Specifically, APIs are best when used for read, search, and query operations, and event driven architecture should be used anytime data is created, changed or a process is run.

Matt Pavlovich

Matt Pavlovich, the Chief Technology Officer and Technical Practice Lead at HYTE Technologies, directs the HYTE Product Development Team. With a wealth of experience in the Open Source Software community, Matt is also a Committer on the Apache ActiveMQ project. Known for his technical prowess and leadership skills, Matt has successfully led numerous large-scale ActiveMQ implementations worldwide. Under his guidance, HYTE's services and tools enable accelerated Enterprise application development and enhance the supportability of middleware solutions.


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