HYTE Console

ActiveMQ Products



Apache ActiveMQ

Apache ActiveMQ Artemis

Red Hat JBoss A-MQ

Specific Features

  • Manage and quickly drill down to related objects

  • Add, Delete, and Purge queues and topics

  • Client connections

  • Server connectors

  • Network connectors

  • Persistence adapter

  • Producers and Consumers

Message Send Tool Functions

  • Send plain text and binary messages

  • Send file-based payloads

  • Upload commonly used files

  • Specify header values for timestamp, expiration, priority, correlation ID and all others

  • Specify custom message properties

  • Type-ahead values to ensure correct syntax for industry standard extension properties, such as JMSXUserId and other JMSX* properties


  • Remote modification of the ActiveMQ configuration

  • Support for runtime rebalancing of client connection

  • Message Encryption plugin to provide end-to-end encryption of messages in-flight without the need to modify clients

  • Advanced Audit plugin to support runtime modification of audit logging features

Message Browse and Consume Functions

  • Browse messages on a queue without deleting or interfering with active processes

  • Consume messages on a queue for clean-up or migration purposes

  • Edit and resend messages for reprocessing

  • Intelligent JMS Selector creation tool assists to build error-free queries

  • Save and load query filters

  • Single or multi-select messages for copy, move, and delete messages

  • Copy All, Move All, and Delete All messages

  • Backup and download messages related to any messaging task: send, browse, consumer, move, copy and delete

  • View and review past messaging tasks

  • Define maximum execution time for messaging tasks


The Foundation Module is the base component that all other modules for the HYTE Console are connected to. Allows functionality for the Advanced Role Based Access Control (RBAC) within the HYTE Console and must be used in conjunction with all other HYTE modules.

  • Supports Microsoft ® Active Directory and LDAP users and groups

  • Supports local users and groups

  • Support for LDAP v3 paging for directories with 100,000 or more entries

  • Intuitive configuration for registering an application

  • Supports configuring of advanced RBAC policies

  • Simplified audit visibility of RBAC policies

ESB Products

Apache ServiceMix

Apache Camel / CXF / Karaf

Red Hat JBoss Fuse


Camel Route Management Features

  • Start, Stop, Suspend and Resume Camel Context and Routes

  • View Route definitions

  • Validate Route and endpoint configuration

  • Reset statistics

  • View and Manage Camel objects: Endpoints, Consumers, Producers, Services, Tracers, Components, Error Handlers, Event Notifiers, and Thread Pools

Karaf Management Features

  • Start, Stop, Refresh and Update Bundles

  • View Features and Feature Repositories

  • View Configuration entries

Supported Camel Deployment Styles

  • Apache ServiceMix

  • Apache Karaf

  • Red Hat JBoss Fuse

  • JVM-Only Microservice

Karaf Deployment Features

  • Install and Uninstall bundles, feature repositories and features to one or more Karaf-based servers

  • Feature list dynamically obtained from server

  • Multiple installation modes allow for customization of behavior during failure scenarios

CXF Management Features

  • Start, Stop CXF-based SOAP and REST Web Services

  • View service and per-operation instrumentation metrics

Karaf Enhancements

  • Advanced Configuration Management supports DevOps style approach to deploying configuration files based on environment indicator, such as Dev, Test, Prod

  • Ability for developers and/or administrators to manage and deploy configuration files based on environment and revision

  • In conjunction with the Encryption Module, provides a self-service solution for application configuration management that will also satisfy enterprise grade security requirements

This module allows the ability to delegate access to management and testing features of Apache CXF Web Service, Apache Camel based integrations and Apache Karaf OSGi objects based on role-based permissions.

Context aware views and drill downs allow users to see statistics for routes, endpoints, consumers and producers in various high-level and drill-down views.

IBM Products


IBM WebSphere MQ

Specific Features

  • Create, Edit, Copy, Delete and manage all MQ objects including Queues, Topics, Subscriptions, Channels, Listeners, Services, Processes, Namelists, Entity Authority entries and more

  • Purge queues

  • Inspect Cluster Queue Manager and Pub/Sub Status

  • Remote MQSC command execution

  • Remote Queue Manager configuration backups

  • Manage Channel and Listener objects

  • Add, edit and update queue configurations

Message Send Tool Functions

  • Send plain text and binary messages

  • Send multiple messages from a single input with message-per-line

  • Send files

  • Specify header values for timestamp, expiration, priority, correlation ID and all others

  • Specify custom message properties

Message Browse Functions

  • Browse messages on a queue without deleting or interfering with active processes

  • Edit and resend messages for reprocessing

  • JMS Selector tool to build error-free queries

  • Save and load query filters

  • Copy, Move, and Delete messages in bulk

Vendor Technologies Supported


Apache ® ActiveMQ
Apache ® ActiveMQ Artemis
Apache ® Karaf
Apache ® ServiceMix

IBM ® MQ ®
IBM ® WebSphere ® MQ
IBM ® MQSeries ®

IBM ® MQ ®
IBM ® WebSphere ® MQ
IBM ® MQSeries ®

Trademark Information:
Apache, ActiveMQ, ServiceMix, Camel, and Karaf is a registered trademark of the Apache Software Foundation. Red Hat, JBoss, A-MQ, and Fuse is a registered trademark of Red Hat, Inc. IBM, IBM MQ, and WebSphere MQ is a registered trademark of IBM Corporation. Microsoft and Active Directory is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation


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